OWC Aura Pro 6G 480GB vs. Stock Apple 256GB SSD

Reading Time: < 1 minute Solid State Drive upgrade options for the MacBook Pro with Retina Display have finally come down in price enough to make them a reasonably good value.  Here’s a performance comparison between the stock Apple drive and the OWC Aura Pro 6G: According to Blackmagic, the OWC Aura Pro 6G 480GB meets the advertised specification, but […]

2.5″ Desk Grommet Outlet w/ USB Charger

Reading Time: < 1 minute You can spend a lot of time searching in vain for a 2.5″ desk grommet power outlet to fit firmly in the wire-routing hole of your desk.  After painstaking googling, here’s the best solution I found by far with 5/5 stars on Amazon.  It comes with hardware for edge mount and through-hole mount from 2.0″ (maybe slightly smaller) […]

Make 1280×720 HiDPI Work on a 16:9 WQHD Display

Reading Time: < 1 minute Problem 1280×720 HiDPI mode does not work using SwitchResX, RDM or similar utility with an external monitor on a Retina MacBook Pro. Solution Use a custom scaled resolution with SwitchResX as a work around. SwitchResX allows you to add custom “Retina” resolutions by adding exactly double the horizontal and vertical values of the desired HiDPI […]