Clif Bar Review: Peppermint Stick

Reading Time: < 1 minute A peppermint stick granola bar doesn’t exactly inspire my curiosity, but here it goes:  If there were a generic unflavored Clif essence, this would contain it in all of its sweet and grainy blandness.  Then imagine that, to that blandness, someone added the same type of mint flavoring that the chocolate mint Clif bars contain.  It’s […]

Clif Bar Review: “New Recipe” Apricot

Reading Time: < 1 minute There is a “New Recipe” label on the apricot Clif bars, so I decided to give it another try.  It has a discernible increase in tanginess from the original — somewhat orange-like.  Not quite the Annoying Orange, but no big deal, either.  Meh.  Still earns a 3-star rating.  How about a Chocolate Orange Clif bar? […]

Clif Bar Ratings Summary

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s taken a while, but here is the comprehensive list of Clif bars (Updated 12/2013).  There’s room for improvement in the taste department, but they do fill a niche for portability and dense nutrition. [visualizer id=”2261″] Clif Bar Reviews